Data Structures 101: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

Ifeoma Veronica Nwabufo
2 min readJun 19, 2022

If you are on this page, you probably wonder what data structures and algorithms mean. So leggo!

Let’s start by defining what data structures are.

Data structures refer to the way we organize and store data so that it can be accessed, manipulated or used efficiently when we need them.

Divisions of Data Structures

Data structures are broadly divided into two [1]:

  1. Linear data structure
  2. Non-linear data structures

We explain the above as follows:

  1. Linear data structures are data structures in which the data elements are arranged in a sequential manner. Examples of linear data structures are arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, etc.
  2. Non-linear data structures have their elements arranged in a non-linear manner, that is, they are not arranged sequentially. Examples of non-linear data structures are graphs, trees, heaps, hash tables, etc.

It is important to have a good knowledge of the various data structures as that would inform you about the right type of data structure to use for a given task. Using the right type of data structure is a way of optimizing space and time for a task.

Now, let’s go to algorithms.

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is a step by step procedure of solving a problem.

Hence, an algorithm does not refer to a specific programming language. It can, however, be expressed as pseudocode or a flowchart [2] for solving a problem.

It is often the case that data structures and algorithms go together. That is, we often do not talk about data structures without talking about the algorithms and vice versa. This is because if you know the right tool to use for a task (the data structure), it is equally important to know how to write an algorithm that would optimize for that data structure!

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[1] Data Structure and Types. (2022). Retrieved 19 June 2022, from

[2] Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms | Studytonight. (2022). Retrieved 19 June 2022, from

